Wind ESG Rating
Substantial and Transparent Data, Comprehensive and Independent Rating,
One-stop Access to In-depth ESG Information
Based on in-depth research of the mainstream international ESG standard frameworks, combined with the investment practices of China's capital market and the intrinsic characteristics of Chinese listed companies, relying on the strong data capabilities, Wind has constructed the Wind ESG Rating system with data-driven as its core. The Wind ESG Rating system has covered more than 10,000 corporate entities in the Greater China region, providing customers with fully transparent underlying data and rating results, helping users to deeply integrate ESG data with policy-making, fundamental analysis, quantitative investment, risk management, and index compilation.
Wind ESG Features
One-stop ESG data service adressing data gaps and non-standardization challenges.
Extensive domestic data sources monitored 24/7.
Across three major dimensions, over 500 underlying indicators.
Professional ESG data analysis team.
Daily monitoring of all indicators.
Rating framework compatible with international standards and tailored for domestic companies.
Aligned with leading ESG frameworks both domestically and internationally.
Conducting in-depth industry research while considering the domestic policy environment.
Incorporating distinctive indicators aligned with national strategies and policies.
Eliminating industry bias, achieving neutralized rating results.
Research results seamlessly integrated into various applications to meet diverse needs.
In-depth data (F9) provides a comprehensive visualization of corporate ESG performance.
Portfolio carbon accounting supports emission calculations and industry-specific analysis.
Excel Add-in, Data Explorer function for bulk extraction of ratings and scores.
AMS module incorporates ESG rating, ESG score etc., to gain a real-time view of the ESG performance of all holdings in the portfolio.
Wind ESG Applications
Serving institutional ESG investments.
Deep integration within the Wind Financial Terminal, catering to diverse investment and research needs.
Customized data services empowering ESG investment decisions.
Supporting academic ESG research.
Comprehensive and transparent ESG data for in-depth sustainable development research.
Market-wide coverage of carbon emission data, backed by scientific estimation methods for climate risk analysis.
Empowering corporate ESG practices.
Dynamic visualization of corporate ESG information, allowing seamless comparison with industry peers.
Professional roadshow platform, empowering companies to build outstanding ESG image.
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