Company ESG Rating
Wind ESG rating anticipates and assesses the company's essential ESG performance, risk and its ability to operate sustainably. It measures the company's commitment and performance in ESG, helping investors and research analysts to identify important risks and opportunities in sustainable investments. We currently cover over 10,000 companies, including all China A-shares and Hong Kong listed companies, and issuers of public offering debentures.
Building on the foundation of domestic and international ESG policies and standards, Wind has developed our proprietary ESG rating framework, considering the development of Chinese capital market and integrating the characteristics of the Chinese companies in various industries. Wind ESG rating framework is composed of management & practice and controversies assessment, which can comprehensively reflect the company's long-term ESG fundamental impact and impact of short-term risk. The ESG score take into effect 3 pillars, 29 issues and 2,000+ data points.
Multi-dimensional Granular Data
Wind provides investors with highly transparent data on individual companies, including indicators, issues and pillars scores and the underlying data, facilitating investors to flexibly apply ESG data to their own research framework and investment decisions.
Open and Transparent Methodology
Information on weights for each issue and pillar, and the corresponding underlying indicators for each individual company can be obtained.
Real-time Monitoring of Controversial Events
Wind ESG rating captures ESG related news, regulatory penalties and lawsuits in a timely manner, helping investors to gain first-hand insights into companies' ESG risks.
Comprehensive and Informative ESG Bond Data
Wind ESG rating establishes ESG bond classification system by incorporating relevant guidance in international and domestic markets. We analyze the issuance and balance of ESG bond to empower the realization of sustainable goals from the financing end.